Discover your way to better hearing, select from a range of hearing aid styles and technologies.

Hearing aids can provide great benefit for people suffering from hearing loss. At YourEars we aim to prescribe hearing aids only when it is clear, through a comprehensive assessment that hearing aids will provide actual benefit. Only once that has been determined will our audiologists guide you through the options of devices suitable for your hearing loss, lifestyle and budget. We ensure our audiologists are trained in all the benefits and features of hearing aids so they can match the right device to you. 

As an independent hearing clinic YourEars can prescribe hearing devices from all the leading hearing aid brands including, Oticon, Phonak, Unitron, GN Resound, Starkey, Widex and Signia. This means we can recommend options from different manufacturers that address your specific hearing loss and needs.

Select The Right Style of Hearing Aid

There are lots of things to consider when selecting a hearing aid from the style (invisible, completely-in-canal (CIC), receiver in canal (RIC) etc.), level of technology and features to lifestyle and budget. YourEars will guide you through the entire process with a selection of recommendations to suit you and your needs.

Invisible in the Canal (IIC)

Cosmetically appealing and invisible device which sits deep in the ear canal virtually completely hidden from view. Suitable for mild to severe losses. Can be remotely controlled by use of a smart phone app, remote control. Some are now Bluetooth compatible.

Completely in the Canal (CIC)

Cosmetically appealing and invisible device which sits deep in the ear canal virtually completely hidden from view. Suitable for mild to profound losses. Can be remotely controlled by use of a smart phone app and some are Bluetooth compatible. 

In the Canal (ITC)

More visible than a CIC and designed to fit in the entrance of your ear canal. They are easier to manage if you have dexterity issues. Now also available in a rechargeable option.

Receiver in the Canal (RIC)

Most popular style of hearing aid which sits behind the ear. Comes in a rechargeable option, wireless connectivity and can incorporate innovative technology like artificial intelligence (AI). Suitable for mild to profound losses. It can be remotely controlled by use of a smart phone app and are Bluetooth compatible.

Behind the ear (BTE)

The traditional BTE hearing aid sits behind the ear with a small tube directing the sound down into the ear canal. It is suitable for severe to profound losses providing the most amplification. It can be remotely controlled by use of a smart phone app and are Bluetooth compatible.

Revolutionise the way you hear with new hearing aid technology

Contact us to learn more about our hearing aids